
Eligibility Criteria for Under Graduate Course

Candidates who have passed the two-year Pre-University Examination of Karnataka or any other equivalent examination recognized by the Bangalore University are eligible for admission to the First year degree course. (B.A.,, B.B.M., B.B.M., B.C.A., and B.Sc.) Candidates coming from outside the state other universities should produce migration and eligibility certificates at the time of admission. Application for admission to the college should be made on the prescribed form, which can be obtained along with the prospectus from the college office on payment of fee. Every application must be accompanied by the certified copy of the statement of marks of the P.U.C. or qualifying examination and also the transfer certificate from the last institution attended. The application should be submitted to the Principle, Vivekananda Degree College, on or before the date specified or notified.

At the time of admission the candidate must produce the following documents

1) Original marks card
2) Income certificate (Issued by Competent revenue authority)
3) Caste certificate and
4) Two Prints of his/her recent passport size colour photo.

The parent or guardian must accompany the candidate at the time of admission and introduce the candidate in person. Admissions are provisional. Fees once said at the time of admission will not be refunded or transferred under any circumstances. If a student leaves the college and requires the transfer certificate fee of Rs. 30/-. Admission when granted , is only for the current year and not for the entire course. Admission for the next higher class is subject to the satisfactory progress and conduct of the student in the college during the preceding academic year. Admission to the second ans third year is also by a fresh application which has to be obtained from the college office each year on or before the prescribed date. The management and other concerned authorities reserve the right of admission or may refuse admission at any stage without assigning any reason.


The parent or guardian must accompany the candidate at the time of admission and introduce the candidate in person. Admissions are provisional. Fees once said at the time of admission will not be refunded or transferred under any circumstances. If a student leaves the college and requires the transfer certificate a fee is applicable. Admission when granted, is only for the current year and not for the entire course. Admission for the next higher class is subject to the satisfactory progress and conduct of the student in the college during the preceding academic year. Admission to the following year is also by a fresh application which has to be obtained from the college office each year on or before the prescribed date. The management and other concerned authorities reserve the right of admission or may refuse admission at any stage without assigning any reason.